Ultimate Roulette version 1.0

Ultimate Roulette version 1.0



– Based on three.js & cannon.js library. All other code is my own custom javascript.

– This is a real 3d roulette. The result is difficult to predict.

I used the latest version of three.js and cannon.js physics library. An interesting aspect.

Structure of project:

Important note’s:

  - In /assets/complex/ Use chip1.blend to make 3d object edit and export to
  .gltf format. This file is not in active part of application.
  /assets/complex/chip1.gltf is file loaded intro web app.
  Also used gltf loader for /assets/decorations/ ...
  and assetswheel-rollcentercenterRoll.gltf
  CenterRoll downloaded from http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/72520
  and taken only one part.
  In readme.md you have licence just leave it to make legal use.

- assets/fonts/helvetiker_regular.typeface.json comes from three.js see docs.
  It is a 3d text shema not classic web font for regular DOM.
- /scripts/bet-map/bet-map.js is handler for beting system.
  Most important is betMapCurrentBets.getWinningValue(winNumber) You need first to know
  winning number than use it.
- Chips image used in app is located at:
  - tag 128 indicate size 128x128.
  Other chips images in folder table is only src with better size.

– You need to follow function `setWinningNumber` from roulette-table.js to make sence about flow in this project. It is a interest moment.

application.js is main startup file.
Use object `app` to save some parameters if you need it.
In folder /scripts/libs/ most important file is `cannon.engine.js`.
Please see cannon.js docs for more information.

It is a clear javascript custom methodology in most simpliest way. I use procedural aspect started from application.js. In all scripts i use simple function call for example :

- removeNoWinChips()
- removeAllPhisicsChips()
- removeAllChips()

It is very descriptively with one basic programming role `single responsibility`.

[Not in use] Actually not in use but can be implemented if you have different idea. [Formats – js, html …]

├── Root/
|   ├── assets/
|   |   └── audios/  [Formats .mp3, .ogg] Fix all modern browsers
|   |   └── complex/ [Formats .gltf, .blend]
|   |   └── control-btns/ [Formats .png, .xcf - Gimp source file]
|   |   └── decorations/  [Formats .gltf, .blend]
|   |   └── fonts/   [Formats .json]
|   |   └── ground/  [Formats .jpg]
|   |   └── table/   [Formats .jpg, .png]
|   |   └── wheel-roll/  [Formats .png, .gltf]
|   ├── css/
|   |   └── style.css
|   ├── imgs/
|   |   └── icons/favicon.ico
|   ├── scripts/
|   |   └── bet-map
|   |      └── bet-map.js
|   |   └── libs/
|   |   └── audios.js
|   |   └── ball.js
|   |   └── center-roll.js
|   |   └── chips.js
|   |   └── init.js
|   |   └── lights.js
|   |   └── pointerCheck.js - [Not in use]
|   |   └── pointerLockControls.js - [Not in use]
|   |   └── roulette-table.js [Handling raycast - detecting click object]
|   |   └── text.js [Handling 3d text - Credits]
|   |   └── wheel.js [Static wheel part]
|   |   └── wheelRoll.js [Rotation system part]
|   ├── index.html
|   ├── manifest.web (improve PWA)

– You can try this game template at :



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