Web2App – Trasform your website into native ios app
Turn any kind of website to android app easily. Code is easily configurable and customizable. Create your own app in less than 15 minutes without any special knowledge!. Add your website and website URL and make you app as native easily within few clicks.
- Pull to refresh
- File downalod
- Admob Integration
- Html 5 game support
- Custome color
- Custome theme
- Easy configuration
- Well documented
- Navigation drawer
- Splash Screen
- No Internet screen
- Intro Screen
Following are the below features:-
App Store Approvd:
This app is accept by app store as all of my clients has successfully upload this app and they are live.
Navigation Drawer:
Customizable navigation drawer to add all your webpages to your WebView app easily.
Pull Down To Refresh:
Swipe download to refresh webpages.
Bottom Navagation:
Customizable Bottom Navagation by adding main webpages in home page.
Just enter your Admob interstitial ads and enable motisization.
Customizable you splash screen just add logo and it will enable animated Splash Screen.
No internet connection screen:
Show a beautifully designed no connection screen when no connection is available.
Intro Screens
Easy customization:
This customization includes the configuration of various layout styles ToolBar, Drawer, Tabs, Bottom Navagation, Hide-able Bottom Navagation, Colors, Icons & Images, Admob.