Signup Email Verification Odoo Apps
Website OTP Authentication Odoo Apps
Signup Email Authentication Odoo Apps
Signup OTP Authentication Verification Odoo Apps
Website OTP Authentication Odoo App helps users to configure OTP authentication in that they enable sign-up/sign-in authentication, set OTP time limit and set OTP type as password or text. Users can get OTP to a given email address and based on valid OTP they can login or sign-up successfully. When a user sends OTP, expired OTP time will be counted. If a user enters an invalid OTP or email address, a Validation message will be displayed.
Configuration for OTP Authentication
User can configure otp authentication from website.
Send OTP to Given Email Address
User can see otp will be send to valid given email address.
Display OTP Expire Time
User can see otp expire time and within time limit they can login or sing-up successfully.
Select Email Verification Method
User can select email verification by ‘Send OTP’ or ‘Password’.