WooCommerce B2B

WooCommerce B2B



WooCommerce B2B - Intro

WooCommerce B2B - Intro


WooCommerce B2B – #1 WooCommerce plugin to grow your business

WooCommerce B2B is the most complete solution to have a wonderful B2B store with WooCommerce.

All the features you need to manage wholesale e-commerce: price lists, hidden prices, customer groups, VAT handling, approved customers, shipping and payments method management and so on… WooCommerce B2B does all of these, in only one plugin, to allow you to open your B2B e-commerce or add the B2B features to your B2C shop quickly and easily.

WooCommerce B2B - Overview

WooCommerce B2B - Overview

WooCommerce B2B - Groups management

WooCommerce B2B - Groups management

WooCommerce B2B - Prices

WooCommerce B2B - Prices

WooCommerce B2B - Quotations

WooCommerce B2B - Quotations

Apply rules you prefer to the special Guest group: WooCommerce B2B will consider, in addition to the customers that you will put in this group, all customers not logged in. Thus you will have complete personalized management of B2C customers.


Why choose WooCommerce B2B over other plugins?


WooCommerce B2B is the first plugin of this kind, with a strong experience behind it that has allowed us to listen to the needs of our hundreds of satisfied users to make the plugin simple, complete and satisfactory.
In addition, our team has an obsessive attention to performance, a weak point of many plugins, but not of WooCommerce B2B!

But it’s not over here! Our project is long term, with the constant commitment to improve WooCommerce B2B, always adding the most useful and most requested features, our roadmap is already full of new ideas!

Take a look to the experiences of users who have trusted WooCommerce B2B and their satisfaction.

WooCommerce B2B - Reviews

WooCommerce B2B - Reviews



Take a look to WooCommerce B2B online documentation:


WooCommerce B2B - Snippets

WooCommerce B2B - Snippets


Live Demo

WooCommerce B2B allow you to have a test drive, with its available demo:

BACKEND: https://demo.woocommerce-b2b.com/wp-admin/
FRONTEND: https://demo.woocommerce-b2b.com/

WooCommerce B2B - Demo

WooCommerce B2B - Demo



Do you need help? Contact our support team:


WooCommerce B2B - Support

WooCommerce B2B - Support


Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to your doubts among the most frequent requests:



Grow your business

Are you looking for a definitive solution to expand your shop to the B2B world?
Stop your search, WooCommerce B2B is here!

Finally, the first plugin for WooCommerce compatible with all your B2B needs. The best features collected in a single suite, simple and performing.

WooCommerce B2B is a plugin that allows you to enable Business-to-Business mode in your WooCommerce shop, to use it for wholesale.

With WooCommerce B2B, you can organize customers in groups, display prices only to logged in customers, approve customers registration, allow orders only reaching a minimum amount, enable / disable payment and shipping methods by group, manage product categories visibility and much more!

Whether yours is a B2B shop, or if you prefer a hybrid B2C / B2B solution, WooCommerce B2B is the ideal solution for you.

For more information, see OFFICIAL PLUGIN PAGE.





1. All digital products are the most recent version, with no possibility of free updates. After payment, you can request an update to the most recent version for 7 days if a new version is released. Get free support within 7 days.

2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3.mailto:contact We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email contact@gplodoo.store or create a ticket on this page

5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You will receive the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products that have been downloaded from other websites.

6. The response time can last up to 6 hours.

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