WordPress Accessibility Plugin – Readabler
Readabler is a WordPress accessibility plugin that expands the boundaries of information accessibility for people with special portability. The availability of content for people with special needs or difficulties with information perception is the most important part of each site’s operation.
Key Features of the WordPress Accessibility Plugin
- Flexible accessible settings set
- Draggable accessibility window
- Appearance animation of the accessibility button
- Flexible style settings of the button
- Code meets standards WCAG 2.0 (AAA)
- Text recognition is powered by Google Cloud API
- Automatically languages recognizing across 40+ languages
- Includes exclusive access to WaveNet technology
- Compatible with Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder, and Visual Composer
- Works well with all popular WordPress Themes
- 7 Positions for placing the accessibility button
- Includes .pot and ready for translation
- Perfect for RTL direction
- Native valid JavaScript, without jQuery
- Huge customization capabilities
- Beautiful modern user Interface
- Tested and compatible with WordPress 5+
- Lightweight and Fast
- Compatible with all modern browsers
- Easy to use and customize
- Installation guide
- Detailed users manual
- Six months included support for CodeCanyon buyers
Readabler WordPress Accessibility tested and compatible with all major WP Plugins: Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, W3 Total Cache, NextGen Gallery, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce, etc. It also works perfectly and improves the user experience with popular Website Page Builders, like Elementor, Visual Composer, Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, Divi, Themify Builder, WP Bakery Page Builder, Layers WP, and many others. The plugin works perfectly with all significant WordPress frameworks: Genesis, Divi, Themify, Warp 7, Ultimatum, Beans, Unyson, Gantry, and others.