Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the WP AMP installed and activated. View WP AMP page at Codecanyon.
By default, the WP AMP plugin doesn’t support the ACF plugin. Our plugin enables you to display Advanced Custom fields data into the AMP version of your website. To output, the data it requires small integrations rather than changing the whole code. This add- on for the WP AMP plugin allows you to set your fields quickly because of convenient and user friendly interface.
With WP AMP ACF (Add-on) you can:
- create your own fields easy;
- bulk templates edition;
- show this field everywhere on your AMP version of website;
- choose the future functions or actions.
Deliver your different ACF content for your AMP version of the website.
Now, WP AMP ACF (Add-on) supports this type of fields:
- text;
- textarea;
- number;
- range;
- email;
- url;
- password;
- image;
- wysiwyg;
- oembed.
The rest of ACF types currently not supported.
ACF is a powerful tool and now it can be used on WP AMP with the help of WP AMP ACF (Add-on). It’s basically a new way to serve super fast, lightweight compiled versions of a webpage to mobile users.
The description of how you will deliver your ACF content for your AMP version of the website you can see in the Documentation.
Currently only Post Type is supported on Location options. The Post Type supports such fields:
- Post;
- Page;
- Product.
In the future we are going to add different Groups and Field’s Type for the convenience of use of our customers.
More features will be added in future releases.
Plugin updates
2019-09-24 - ver 0.1.1 New: auto generating ACF fields; New: custom post type support.