XF Home Dashboard
You can create custom widgets through administration panel using existing built-in widgets code as example.
Each widget has many setting options to be able to customize it without writing code.
You can construct home page by grouping widgets by row or by column based on the bootstrap layout.
But if there are any complications, do not hesitate to contact me, and I will try to help you.
If you have an idea or suggestion for a widget for this dashboard, you can share it with me.
If I like the idea, I will implement this widget and publish it in the Odoo app store for free.
Steps to start using the home dashboard module:
- install the XF Dashboard module
- install available sub-modules with additional widgets for Home Dashboard
- configure built-in widgets by setting bootstrap grid columns
- disable unwanted widgets
- add bookmarks, add tiles you want to show in home page dashboard (30 business icons are included)